Order of the Knights Of Pythagoras

The Order of the Knights of Pythagoras (KOP) is a community-based mentoring organization composed of youths ranging between the ages of seven to twenty years inclusive, working under the sponsorship and personal supervision of Prince Hall Masons, to provide beneficial use of their spare time, worthwhile companions, wholesome, educational environment, life skills and a program aiming to interest and aid youths, in their all-round development. You can find a KOP organization in numerous states across the United States and other countries where Prince Hall Masonry exists.

KOP Councils

Martin Luther King

 Council # 1

Tacoma, WA

Ira Simon 

Council # 2

Seattle, WA

Dr. Martin L. King

 Council # 3

Western Europe

Pride of Olympia

 Council # 4

Tumwater, WA

John E. Peterson 

Council # 5

Republic of the Philippines

Thurgood Marshall

 Council # 6

 Everett, WA

For more information, please contact the Supreme Master Knight - Clarence Williams :  ciwilli@hotmail.com

What is a Youth Knight

1.  A young man who falls between the ages of 7-20.
2. A young man who attends his meetings and contributes to the organization.
3. A young man who is ready to take on leadership roles and responsibilities.
4.  A young man  who learns how to be a better citizen, leader, thereby providing a better world of tomorrow.


What is a Sir Knight

1.  Prince Hall Masons who contribute their time, efforts and finances to the support of the KOP program.
2. A PH Mason who often becomes a second father to the young men who look up to them for guidance and support.
3. A PH Mason who cares about the development, growth, and well-being of the youth in the surrounding community.
4. A PH Mason who strives to do all he can to prepare our Youth Knights to be leaders of tomorrow.
Board of Regents

Parent Clubs

Made up of parents of the Youth Knights who serves as officers;

1.  President

2.  Vice President

3.  Secretary

4.  Treasurer

5.  Chaplain

They assist the council whenever needed.  All parents are parent club members.