
MW Terrell D. Hicklin

Grand Master of Masons

“The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons in and for the State of Washington and Jurisdiction is an organization which embodies Integrity First, Service before Self and Excellence in All We Do.

Our MISSION is to bring our brothers together in unity, and ensure that our Grand Lodge is financially secure and progressive.

Our VISION is to recognize and distinguish where we need to go as one body for the greater good of the Order.

Our GOAL is to exemplify appropriate leadership behaviors and demonstrate those behaviors throughout our daily lives.

Our PRINCIPLE is to respect every Brother and Sister, which is the corner stone of our foundation. At all times, we should lead with humility and consistency. We must always plan, check, and execute with passion and precision.

Throughout the State of Washington and Jurisdiction, which includes Canada, England, Germany, Iceland, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Guam, Republic of Korea, Okinawa and Mainland Japan and the Republic of Philippines, our supreme goal is to render service that will improve the social, cultural and economic conditions of our fellow man.

Lastly, our measure of giving is an act of unselfish sacrifice for the benefit of others.”

Deputy Grand Master

RW Antonio Graham

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Grand Senior Warden

RW Wallace "Rocky" Nelson

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Grand Junior Warden

RW Larry B. Opher

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Grand Treasurer

RW Gene A. Smith Jr.

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Grand Secretary

RW Hershel Veal Jr.

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Grand Lecturer

RW Damion E. Jiles Sr.

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Grand Trustee

RW Lee T. Carroll

Grand Trustee

RW Andre Felton

Grand Trustee Chair

RW Robert Cann Sr.

Grand Trustee

RW Dennis Garrett

Grand Trustee

RW Donnie McHerron

Membership Portal

This is the link to our Portal with all Grand Lodge Forms and information.


Order of the Knights Of Pythagoras

Prince Hall Grand Lodge Youth Program


Masonic Supply

MWPHGLWA Masonic Supply Center


Community Services

This is where we will list opportunities for our members to serve in the community. As well as items from the community you need to know.

K.O.P. image
The Order of the Knights of Pythagoras (KOP) is a community-based mentoring organization composed of youths ranging between the ages of seven to twenty years inclusive, working under the sponsorship and personal supervision of Prince Hall Masons, to provide beneficial use of their spare time, worthwhile companions, wholesome, educational environment, life skills and a program aiming to interest and aid youths, in their all-round development. You can find a KOP organization in numerous states across the United States and other countries where Prince Hall Masonry exists.

Martin Luther King
 Council # 1
Tacoma, WA
Ira Simon 
Council # 2
Seattle, WA
Dr. Martin L. King
 Council # 3
Western Europe
Pride of Olympia
 Council # 4
Tumwater, WA
John E. Peterson 
Council # 5
Republic of the Philippines
Thurgood Marshall
 Council # 6
 Everett, WA

For more information, please contact the Supreme Master Knight - Clarence Williams :

What is a Youth Knight

1.  A young man who falls between the ages of 7-20.
2. A young man who attends his meetings and contributes to the organization.
3. A young man who is ready to take on leadership roles and responsibilities.
4.  A young man  who learns how to be a better citizen, leader, thereby providing a better world of tomorrow.

What is a Sir Knight
1.  Prince Hall Masons who contribute their time, efforts and finances to the support of the KOP program.
2. A PH Mason who often becomes a second father to the young men who look up to them for guidance and support.
3. A PH Mason who cares about the development, growth, and well-being of the youth in the surrounding community.
4. A PH Mason who strives to do all he can to prepare our Youth Knights to be leaders of tomorrow.
Board of Regents

Parent Clubs

Made up of parents of the Youth Knights who serves as officers;
1.  President
2.  Vice President
3.  Secretary
4.  Treasurer
5.  Chaplain
They assist the council whenever needed. All parents are parent club members.

KOP Event Photos 

Lodge Proxy Form

When you sign this proxy form, you authorize the proxyholder to act and vote your wishes on your behalf at the meeting, and to carry out your voting instructions.

Official Masonic Petition

The keys to the door.

Reimbursement Form

Fillable Form

Lodge Credentials

Grand Lodge Form

Masonic Supply Form

Masonic Supply Form

Election Certificate

A portrait image that was shot in 2020

  • 306 24th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98144, USA
  • PO Box 68234 Seattle, WA 98168
The Purpose of Headquarters Lodge No. 75:

The Headquarters Lodge is to act as a Holding Lodge for our overseas and other distant members , until such time as they can join a regular chartered lodge. It may contact and restore any Master Mason, who was a member of this Jurisdiction, that had been suspended for non-payment of dues by a chartered Lodge after he has been out of his Lodge for three (3) or more years or the lodge in which he last held membership is closed.. After being restored to current status, he must join a regular chartered lodge

Reclaim My Membership

Date Field

Grand Master's Edict 2024-003

Special Meeting Ref. GL Membership

Grand Master's EDIT 2400-002

Grand Lodge Membership

Grand Master's Edict 24-001


Proclamation 24-002

49th Annual District Session D9

Proclamation 24-001

Prince Hall Day


Dupont, WA

MWPGM Gilbert E. McClary Sr.

49th Grand Master: 2021-2023

State of the Craft

MWPGM Lester L. Dickson

48th Grand Master: 2018 - 2021

State of the Craft:

MWPGM Julius W. Brown Jr.

47th Grand Master: 2016 - 2018

State of the Craft: Masonry has stood the test of time, enemy assault, fall of governments and it continues to seep into the lives of those that seek it. No greater joy in Masonry is there than when you were first brought to light. For it is at that moment that you decide to give your life to building better men. The journey of a Mason is an individual one. No two men travel the same path. With that, we are destined to make and experience different types of Masons. Through it all, the strong, bold and fearless pursue the course they set out on when they left the west and traveled east. Masonry knows no color, respects no wealth nor station nor earthly emoluments, it only exacts service from humanity to humanity as its only toll.

MWPGM Gregory D. Wraggs, Sr.

46th Grand Master: 2014 - 2016

State of the Craft:

MWPGM Patrick L. Hughes Sr.

45th Grand Master: 2013 - 2014

State of the Craft:

MWPGM Gardner L. Torrance Sr.

44th Grand Master: 2011 - 2013

"State of the Craft" ...extracted from 2012 Annual Address: “I find the Craft in good condition. We are not suffering from any major problems' that we have not seen before. I have visited all our districts and wherever I went the Craft was very responsive and cooperative. We have in the Jurisdiction 65 lodges and our membership stands around 2,200. This past masonic year I made it a main focus be appointing a Membership and Reclamation Committee that was empowered to explore the latest technology retain our present members and attract new ones. My edict waving assessment fees by members wanting to reinstate paid dividends by the looks of the numbers captured in the Grand Secretary’s Annual Report. The reclamation part was decent however we have to work on the retaining part where we still are losing a significant number of Brothers to non-payment of dues. We can’t reclaim 5 and then turn around and dropped 3. We somehow got to find ways to keep our young Brothers interested in lodge meetings. Key word is interested…if they see we are not doing anything productive and that good for the order then they turn their interest elsewhere. I must say and with consequences we have few brothers in this jurisdiction that just seems to be on the other side of the fence regardless if right or wrong. I made it quite clear at the beginning of this administration that you were either “For” the Grand Lodge or “Against.” My exact conversation was that there would be no fence riders.” Warm Regards, M.W. Gardner M. Torrence, Sr., PGM #42 44th Grand Master of Masons MWPHGL WA

MWPGM Dr. Charlie Walker III

43rd Grand Master: 2010 - 2011

State of the Craft

MWPGM Kenneth Anthony

42nd Grand Master: 2008 - 2010

State of the Craft:

MWPGM Harden M. Keyes, Sr.

41st Grand Master: 2006 - 2008

State of the Craft:

MWPGM Wendell O. Hutchins

40th Grand Master: 2004 - 2006

State of the Craft: I am pleased to report for the most part, all lodges are doing fairly well. As most of you are aware, we are continuing to experience a negative impact on our lodges in Europe and the Far East, resulting from the drawdown of our Military Forces; this has been going on since the war start-ed two years ago. I anticipate that a large majority of our membership will be deploying back to Iraq, beginning in November 2005, through February 2006. They should be returning the beginning of 2007, at which time many military bases in Germany are scheduled to close down by mid-2007. The plan is to relocate many of the soldiers assigned to the 3rd Armored Division to Bavaria, meaning Grafenwöhr, Vilseck, Katter Bach, and Illesheim. The 1st Infantry Division is scheduled to be re-turned back to the United States. If this comes to pass, this would have us with about eight military bases remaining in Germany.

MWPGM James F. Troutt II

38th MW Grand Master: 2000 - 2002

99th Annual Address MW Troutt 2002

MWPGM Kenneth Swanigan

34th MW Grand Master: 1988-1990

State of Craft: I am pleased to report that Prince Hall Masonry in the Sate of Washington and its jurisdiction is alive and well. The sweet fragrance of brotherly love seems to permeate every aspect of our fraternity. Everywhere I have traveled, I have been accorded the greatest hospitality and courtesy, human-ly possible.

MWPGM Carlton Tucker

30th MW Grand Master: 1980 - 1982

State of the Craft: I am pleased to report that the craft is in an excellent condition. Although there have been many problems to face, and many decisions to make and a tremendous amount of time spent in travel and trying to do the many things that are required of this office. I am pleased and happy to report that the true spirit of Prince Hall Freemasonry prevails throughout this Grand Jurisdiction.

PGM's by Dates

Click to Enlarge

Final List of PGM

Click to Enlarge
The Prince Hall Masons Comes to Washington
Prince Hall Masons have been in the State of Washington at least since 1870, primarily from Iowa, Missouri and Illinois Jurisdictions. In 1897 two Prince Hall Masons, Gideon Bailey and Con Rideout, residing in the State of Washington addressed a communication to the white Grand Lodge of this jurisdiction, asking it to devise some method whereby they might be brought into fellowship with the Craft. At that time, according to existing data, there were two chartered Negro lodges in this state. This petition was referred to a committee of three: Thomas M. Reed, James E. Edminston and William H. Upton, all prominent in Masonic affairs and two of them Past Grand Masters.

According to available data the above names committee held several meetings during the recess of the Grand Lodge before completing its report. During the Grand Lodge session of 1989 the committee presented a resolution recognizing Prince hall Masons in the State of Washington to be "Regular, Just and Legitimate". After a very heated debate the resolution passed in grand Lodge by a substantial majority; however, due to the injustices of the social system that was in vogue during that time, the majority of the other white Grand Lodges in the United States and Canada withdrew Masonic relations with the Grand Lodge of Washington until the aforementioned resolution was repealed. Bowing to Masonic pressure from across the United Stated and Canada, the said resolution was rescinded at the Grand Lodge session in June 1899, and until June 1990, ninety-one (91) years later, the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington passed a resolution (90-23) recognizing the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. & A.M., Washington and Jurisdiction as Regular, Lawful and Legitimate" and to all Masons there unto belonging, granting the said Prince hall masons the rights of visitation to all lodges in its Jurisdiction as well as the Grand Lodge in session and other Masonic privileges that are commonly granted to other Grand Lodges, and in July 1990 the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. passed a similar resolution (10-90) granting the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington the same privileges and rights.

Massachusetts Grand Lodge
On March 12, 1947, Negro Freemasonry in Massachusetts of the "Prince Hall Affiliation" was acknowledged by the Grand Lodge of Masons (white) of Massachusetts to be legitimate and "duly constituted." The committee's report authenticating Prince Hall Freemasonry was accepted, approved and recorded by a unanimous vote. This action of the Grand Lodge was like a declaratory court decree. It holds that "Origin, early procedures and subsequent development of the so-called Prince Hall Freemasonry in Massachusetts have been and are regular and legitimate."

The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts (white) traces its history as a duly constituted organization to 1733 and Prince Hall Freemasonry to 1787 when African Lodge began to function under its charter.
Regarding any other groups of Negroes who claim to be Masons, the committee reported that "we have found no evidence in support of such claims and our conclusion thus far is that the so-called 'Prince Hall' Freemasonry is alone entitled to any claim of legitimacy among Negroes of this commonwealth."

First Negro Lodges in Washington
The first lodge of Negro Masons in Washington was started as a club in May, 1889, at Roslyn. It was organized by District Deputy Grand Master J. E. Shepperson under the jurisdiction of the M.W. Grand Lodge of Iowa as Cascade Lodge U.D. in 1890. It received its charter in 1897 and became known as Cascade Lodge No. 23. Trinity Lodge No. 28, A.F. and A.M., was organized U.D. October 2, 1902, in Seattle, and was chartered August 4, 1903 by the Iowa Jurisdiction. Guiding Star Lodge No. 31, A.F. and A.M., was organized U.D. in 1904 in North Yakima and was chartered in 1905 by the Iowa Jurisdiction.

Four lodges were organized in this area by the Grand Lodge of Illinois. They were Enterprise Lodge No. 47, A.F. and A.M. of Portland, Oregon, organized in 1891; Washington Lodge No. 49, A.F. and A.M. of Franklin, Washington, then a coal mining section near the present sites of Black Diamond and New Castle. This lodge was organized in 1897 and was later moved to Seattle. Inland Empire Lodge No. 53, A.F. and A.M. of Spokane, Washington. This lodge was chartered in 1901. The last lodge to be organized in this area by the Illinois Jurisdiction was Compass Lodge located at Everett, Washington.

Organization of Prince Hall Grand Lodge
"The members of Enterprise Lodge No. 47 of Portland, Oregon, Washington Lodge No. 49 of Seattle, Washington and Inland Empire Lodge No. 53 of Spokane, Washington, all working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Illinois and Jurisdiction, recognizing their great distance (2500 miles) from and their inability to within a short time communicate with the grand officers of their jurisdiction -- matters of importance constantly arising which demanded the attention and construction of the highest delegated authority -- the rapid increase in number of renegade Masons in their midst, and their inability to protect themselves from the actions of unscrupulous ex-Masons, and for many other reasons too numerous to mention, decided, after a conference held in the City of Seattle on the 13th day of April, 1903, by delegates from the above-named lodges called for that purpose, to erect a Grand Lodge."

A constituted number of warranted lodges being by their proper officers represented, a Grand Lodge was then and there erected, to be known as the Grand Lodge of Washington and Oregon, A.F. and A.M. The officers were elected and installed; the Second Annual Communication to be held at Portland, Oregon, June 22, 23, 24, 1904.

Incorporation of Grand Lodge

On the 20th day of July in the year of 1906, Sam H. Nichols being Secretary of State, the Grand Lodge was incorporated under the name of Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons (African) of Washington, with all powers, rights and privileges of such corporations.

On the 9th day of July, 1907, in the City of Tacoma, the name and title of Grand Lodge was changed to read the M.W. United Grand Lodge of Washington and Jurisdiction, F. and A.M., and embraced the three lodges which had been chartered from Iowa Jurisdiction.

On the 11th day of July, 1944, in the City of Seattle, County of King, State of Washington, a Grand Session of the above-named corporation was held at 425 21st Avenue, a resolution was adopted unanimously changing the name to Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. of Washington and Jurisdiction. This action was carried out by the Grand Officers on the 6th day of September, 1944.

On the 12th day of July, 1972, in the City of Vancouver, County of Clark, State of Washington, a Grand Session of the above corporation was held at the Inn at the Quay. A resolution was adopted to refile our Incorporation under the provisions of R.C.W. 2420, Laws of the State of Washington. This was completed March 30, 1973. Ludlow Kramer, Secretary of State.
  •  10-26-2024 07:00 PM
  •   3736 South Sheridan Avenue, Tacoma, WA, USA
  •  10-18-2024 07:00 PM - 10-20-2024 07:00 AM
  •   16500 Southcenter Boulevard, Seattle, WA 98188, USA

This is the conference between the Grand Masters, Grand Matrons and Grand Patrons of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California and Hawaii. All are invited to attend.

  • $60
  •  10-12-2024 05:11 PM
  •   1715 Southeast Maple Valley Highway, Renton, WA, USA
  •  10-05-2024 06:00 PM
  •   1425 East 27th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
  • $65
  •  09-21-2024 05:19 PM
  •   1516 South 25th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
  • $15
  •  09-21-2024 05:14 PM
  •   306 24th Avenue South, Seattle, WA, USA
  •  09-21-2024 12:00 PM
  •   306 24th Avenue South, Seattle, WA, USA

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4th Quarter Tax Form

Tax Form

4th Quarter Annual Report

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